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Health News Articles
Below you will find a specially curated list of articles focusing on the latest studies and findings from the health care community.
Shedding Light on Lice
With the start of the new school year and as the fall approaches, children may be more likely to come into contact with head lice.
Beta-Carotene, Folic Acid, and Cancer
Recent clinical trials found that beta-carotene and folic acid supplements do little to prevent cancer, and in some cases, very high doses may actually increase cancer risk.
Stress Reduction and Back Pain
Do you have chronic back pain? Don’t just treat the body, relax your mind, too.
More Sleep May Help Prevent Weight Gain
A new study finds that not enough sleep is linked to weight gain.
Overview of Hepatitis
Hepatitis is a liver disorder that can be caused by many things and damages the liver.
Seven Things You Should Know About Vasectomy
If you are considering having a vasectomy, here are 7 things you should know.
Eight Effective Exercises for Arthritis of the Hand
Try your hand at exercises—eight to be exact.
Aging of the Digestive Tract
As you get into your older adult years, the likelihood increases that you will develop a digestive disorder.